Our members have access to the most extensive health and safety services available!
Travelers and expatriates need more than insurance - they need information and services to keep them healthy and safe. With the purchase of any of our insurance products, you receive access to Global Health and Safety services.
- 24/7 toll free or collect call assistance around the world
- Electronic ID card
- Access elite international doctors & hospitals
- Secure cashless access for care outside the U.S. through Direct Pay
- Profiles of notable local pharmacies and travel clinics
- Access to self-service tools 24/7/365
- Equivalency tools for medications, as well as translated medical terms/phrases
- Emergency numbers, health and security risks, vaccination requirements, and news alerts
Appointment Scheduling and Direct Pay. Using the web, mobile device or the telephone, members can request appointments within our International Provider Community. When utilizing Direct Pay, we pay the participating providers directly.