News Alerts

Flooding and associated disruptions ongoing across parts of Mymensingh Division, Bangladesh, and Meghalaya State, India, as of Oct. 7

Category: Environmental

Severity: 3 (Moderate)

Source: Drum Cussac

10/08/2024 (India) - Monitor local media for updated emergency and weather information. Seek updated information on weather and road conditions before driving or routing shipments through flood-affected areas. Plan accordingly for potential delivery delays if routing shipments by truck through the affected area. Stay away from elevated streams, creeks, and other watercourses that are prone to flash flooding. Do not attempt to navigate flooded roadways. Exercise caution in elevated terrain due to the threat of landslides. Keep important documents and necessary medications in waterproof containers.
Observe strict food and water precautions, as municipalities could issue boil water advisories following flooding events. Take precautions against insect- and waterborne diseases in the coming days. Review contingency plans and be prepared to move quickly to shelters if evacuation orders are issued. Charge battery-powered devices in the case of prolonged electricity outages.
Bangladesh Meteorological Department
India Meteorological Department

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