News Alerts

Adverse weather forecast across western Argentina, central and northern Chile, and southern and western Peru through at least Oct. 10

Category: Environmental

Severity: 2 (Low)

Source: Drum Cussac

10/09/2024 (Argentina) - Monitor local media for weather-related updates and advisories. Confirm all transport reservations and business arrangements before traveling in the affected area. Seek updated information on road conditions before driving or routing shipments through areas where severe weather is forecast; plan for possible supply chain disruptions throughout the affected areas. Stay away from elevated streams, creeks, and other watercourses that are prone to flash flooding. Do not attempt to navigate flooded roadways. Exercise caution in elevated terrain due to the threat of landslides, as well as mountainous regions where avalanches pose a threat. Charge battery-powered devices in the case of prolonged electricity outages.
Chilean Meteorological Directorate
National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED)
Argentina National Meteorological Service (SMN)
National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru (SENAMHI)

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